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Hire Best Japa Maid Agency Bangalore

Prenu Japa Maids – A godsend for new parents!

Motherhood is a great experience, but for a new mom, it can be a stressful journey too. Modern families are liberal, they live independently and taking care of the infants alone becomes tiring and exhaustive for them. Since people are living in cities, there are a lot of responsibilities that come along and so are the great perks like these too. For new moms whose families can’t be around them for help due to any reason, Japa maids can be a blessing. Many mothers/families are hiring Japa maids who offer services specially customized as per the requirement of mothers and babies.

What is Japa Maid?

For those who aren’t aware with this term or service, it’s a traditional way of looking after a newborn baby, and mother mainly during the 30-45 days after the birth of a child to maintain good health and care. The services can be extended as per the requirement or demand of an individual. Many agencies provide Japa maid services and they are a very reasonable, convenient, and supportive option for young parents.

New mothers, who live in a nuclear family, need a lot of support specially during the first few months. Japa maids from Prenu offer a complete solution for these inexpert moms. These maids are well-trained, careful, efficient, very friendly and most importantly verified. In the absence of due diligence keeping a Japa maid can be a perilous decision, but with Prenu you are sure to find a very reliable and supportive helper.

The whole process of hiring and day to day care giving is well streamlined and in case the maid can’t turn up for work on a particular day, they are quick to provide a replacement.
Every new mother needs someone experienced with the understanding of how to take care of a newborn baby and mother; usually at the time of hiring the clients share their preferences with the Prenu Japa Services team and in return they get a great match.

With their experience and skills Japa maids train the nervous new mom on: -

ü  how to bathe her little bundle of joy,
ü  how to feed the child
ü  how to make him/her burp
ü  how to massage the little one
ü  how to maintain milk flow
ü  how to manage weight
ü  how to manage postpartum depression
The Japa maid also pitches in miscellaneous responsibilities, including but not limited to:
ü  taking care of soiled clothes
ü  preparing meals
ü  putting the baby to sleep
ü  maintaining a serene environment for mother and child
ü  taking care of hygiene in the child’s surroundings

japa maids-prenu

1.    Verification- One of the most important things into this line of work is the verification of every individual. Since  it is associated with newborn babies and their mother’s, safety comes as prioritised criteria. Prenu always takes a verification and background check of every staff before hiring them into the team and assigning them to any client.
2.    Services across the city - The best thing about Prenu Japa services is that  services are not just restricted to a certain area,  and network works across entire So, it’s very convenient for families who are looking for Japa maid support and services. You can easily connect with them over call, share your requirement details, and they will provide you with the information on the suitable matches as per your requirements.
3. All the maids are well experienced to handle a situation, how to manage clothes of the newborn, how to do oil massage, how to prepare small meals, diapers etc. are all covered under this training program. Handling a newborn and mother together can be a very stressful job, and being emotionally intelligent in such situations is considered a prioritised quality and Prenu specially counsels their Japa maids for this.
5.    Reasonable cost & services- Money always becomes a concern in such services, but with Prenu, you can be assured that nothing is charged unreasonably. They take their services as a responsibility towards the society as well as the people they hire.
Prenu Japa Maid’s cover services such as, wrapping clothes, arranging clothes, diaper change, Oil massage for mother and baby, taking care of day to day needs of both mother and child, , basic hygiene etc. Traditional herbal oils are provided by us to  our japa maids  to experience the  warmth of Ayurveda in each  fingertips of massage .All the maids are well-experienced and informed about the requirements of the families.

newborn care prenu

Advantages of hiring Japa Maids

1.    Post-Partum depression- Many mothers can suffer through this situation - After birth taking care of baby and your health together can drain mothers emotionally as well as physically, and in such situations, a helping hand can be a really good mental & physical support system.

2.    Support System- After giving birth there are so many responsibilities and phases a mother goes through, as it is a new experience she can have so many fears alongside. So, a professional Japa maid can be a suitable substitute as they are preferably trained to face such situations.

3.  Health Support- Prenu Japa maids are well experienced with health-enhancing techniques, such as massage therapy for both mother as well as the child. These maids are well-skilled with the correct pressure points required during the massage to relieve specific body area pain and healthy food items that can help you in stabilising your immunity system.

4.  Personal Time- After birth mothers often get too busy with the baby that they do not get any time for themselves, Japa maids are convenient to help during this time. Mothers can put their time in getting back into shape, taking proper relaxation, nutritional care, read, and work and add some pampering session for them in their daily schedule.

Since the overall concept of Japa maids is to support mothers and child after birth. Prenu dedicates its full services around it. We  have been in business since 2010 and consistently helping mother across Mumbai and Pune. Our track record of amazing services has been noteworthy. Over the times, we have evolved and enhanced  quality of services by providing professional support to maids as well as to clients. Many of our clients have been consistent and have recommended our services to other friends and neighbours.

For More Queries Visit
Call Us : 844-844-0244 (Toll Free)


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