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Maternity care at Prenu Services

Our Maternity care services mainly focus on

1. A mother, who has just delivered a baby and needs care with routine activities such as bath, food, massage, medicine, exercises etc.
2. A new born baby who needs special care with routine activities such as bath, massages, milk, medicine, vaccination etc.

Our Strength:

§  A qualified & certified team which is equipped to handle all sort of requests, babies or adults to your almost satisfaction.
§  We combine the best scientifically proven practices along with the techniques used by old age people (which they gathered from their lives) of caring for your children and loved ones in order to help them to grow into independent human beings.

·         Midwives for admission and discharge of mom and baby
·         Monitor progress of pregnancies
·         Ensures hygiene of equipment used
·         In and out of Bed for mom and baby
·         Escorting mom and baby as an when needed
·         Ensures infection free surroundings
·         Guides in breast feeding
·         Assist mother with postnatal exercises
·         Undertake, record maternal vital signs such as temperature, pulse, respiratory rate and blood pressure and report any concern

Our Packages are:

Day packages
10 to 12 hours
Night packages

          10 to 12 hours

Round the clock services
              24 hours

  We always believe in "There is no greater heaven than the heart of a loving mother". Our maternity nurses  guides you to a beautiful world called “Motherhood”.

Prenu services provides best baby care services in India since 2010. Prenu recruits only highly experienced nannies & verifies their antecedents to ensure you & your baby are in safe hands. This Bengaluru based organization is pioneering the unorganized segment of proving end-to-end mother & baby care services & is now present in Chennai, Pune, Calicut, Coimbatore & Mumbai(In India) and Qatar & Dubai. We meticulously screen & train our staff to take care of your child to ensure you get your much-deserved & desired sleep & peace-of-mind. We are committed to extend top-level personalized childcare support whom you can trust. Hire with confidence!

Contact details


Call us at-     +91-9535514414 



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